
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La edad media del parque automovilístico español superará los diez años
From the 2009 the half life of the vehicles that circulate by our roads and streets has grown in 2,4 years

The half age of the car park Spanish will surpass the ten years

David Muñoz20/03/2013
‘Neumafórum', the forum of the tyre that received on 21 March Motortec Automechanika Iberian 2013, had a report titled ‘Analysis of the car park and the user' to charge of the general director of Gipa Spain, Fernando López, the one who gave the results of several studies that show the progressive aging of the car park Spanish, the lacks that still exist in the maintenance of the tyre and the big potential that still have the workshops in matter of diversification.

According to the data contributed by Gipa, the 2012 closed , in the designated zone ‘G5', with a fall of 7,6% in the registrations, with remarkable differences in the five countries that integrate this region of study: Italy (-19,8%), France (-13,9%), Spain (-13,4%), Germany (-2,9%) and Great Britain (the only with growth, of 5,3%).

Fernando López, general director of Gipa Spain
Fernando López, general director of Gipa Spain.

This deficit of registrations, as it signalled in ‘Neumafórum' Fernando López, general director of Gipa Spain, supposes for the sector of the posventa a decrease of the prime matter on which has to work, that in the case of Spain does even more grave if the period of study carries until the start of the crisis, since from 2007 and until the 2012 the fall of the registrations in our country reaches already 57%. It has happened to sell 1.600.000 vehicles to the year to near of 700.000 the past year. The worst is that the forecasts to short-half term do not aim to a recovery, rather all the contrary since in what it goes of 2013 the registrations have followed falling, although to an inferior rhythm (-9%).

Aging of the park

Curiously, in spite of this fall of registrations, the park circulante does not have decrecido in Spain in these last years, explaining to day of today with near of 20 million vehicles between tourisms and 4x4. How it is possible this paradoja? The reason it is necessary to look for it in the descent that has produced in the number of drops of trucks from the irruption of the crisis. If the 2007 closed with a number of near drops to the million of vehicles, in these last years this figure has diminished to levels of 600.000-500.000 units/year.

This, as it is logical, is comporting an aging of the car park. During near of 20 years the half life of the tourisms and vehicles 4x4 in our country remained stable around the 7 years, but from 2009 this register has shot until arriving at present to a half life of 9,4 years. An increase of 2,4 years that does not have parangón in Europe: France (+0,1), Italy (+1,0), Portugal (+1,6); and that contrasts with what is living in other regions of the world like Sudamérica (in Argentina is assisting today to a big boom of registrations, and in Brazil, for example, the half life of the vehicles has diminished in 1,2 years).

This aging of the car park Spanish also self-evident in the transformation that has produced in the distribution of the vehicles by ages. Whereas five years ago, 32% of the trucks had less than four years, today this segment so only represents 16%. In the group of 4 to 9 years, the distribution keeps more or less the same that before the crisis, by what the greater increase has given in sector of the vehicles of 10 or more years, that already represent 42% of the total.

Tendency of future

All indicates that this tendency to an increasingly aged park does not go to detain during the next years. In fact, from Gipa has done a study on what can occur in a future, employing for this different stages (pessimistic, half and optimist) and in all the cases aims that the half age of the car park Spanish will surpass the 10 years, enrol what enrol . In the case of the half stage, signals that for 2016 there will be 10,2 million trucks with more than 10 years on a total of 19,6 million vehicles, or what is the same, one of each two trucks will have more than 10 years of life.


Criteria of election of the workshop

During his report, Fernando López also resumió the results of two studies realised by Gipa for the sector of the posventa. In the first evidence how ‘the price' has won weight like criterion of election of the workshop as a result of the crisis, happening to occupy the 5º - 6º place in this ranking in the years 2007 or 2008, to be today the second factor of election, only by behind ‘the reliability' (that it keeps solid in this first place) and by in front of ‘the vicinity'. Curiously, and in spite of the hardness of the crisis, in any of the 35 countries that has contemplated Gipa in his study, the price is the first criterion of election.

Regarding the second work made public by Gipa in Neumafórum, looked for to show that in our country follow existing important lacks in the maintenance of the tyre. In front of the question ‘Has revistado the pressesure of his tyres in the two last months?', 33% of the respondents recognised that it had not done it, and of the rest, 41% signalled that it had found them in a bad state.

If the question carried to a greater term, ‘Has reviewed his tyres along the last year?, the percentage of ‘no' went down until 25%, exactly the same that in 2011 in spite of having aged even more our car park since.

This second study also had like end expose that, with the difficulties that crosses the sector of the posventa, the majority of the skilled workshops in tyres has not undertaken still strategies of diversification that allow them win presence in other activities. According to this report, the skilled workshops in tyres only attract 13% of his customers to realise also the change of oil, 10% of his customers for the replacement of the tablets of brake, 13% of his customers for changes of battery and 17% of his customers for the replacement of the brushes, with what, although it only was for these simple operations, these workshops, as it concluded Fernando López, enjoy still of a high potential of growth.

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