Arden Equipment Ibérica, S.L. (AE) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Arden Equipment Ibérica, S.L. (AE)
Av. de Las Américas, 4 Nave C F
28823 Coslada (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑667653796   +34‑659623831  
Manufacturer of Tool for Machinery of Public Works

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Arden Equipment Ibérica, S.L. (AE)

They burn Equipment (AE) is the name that serves of reference in a world in constant evolution, the one of the machinery of Public Work. His strength roots in having imposed like the unavoidable partner of all the manufacturers and importing of machinery, mainly in Europe.
They burn Equipment possesses a range of more 3.000 references, mainly centred in the sector of the tools of demolition and manipulation, Burn Equipment in Spain has had a very important development, multiplying his figure of sales by 10 in 4 years, until the arrival of the crisis which began to detect in August of the 2007.
To be able to attend to this impressesive growth, Burn Equipment created in Spain the society Burn Equipment Iberian that was cream in January 2006. The social headquarters and the ship of Burn Equipment Iberian are situated in front of the Business Park of Saint Fernando of Henares (Madrid).
Structuring his network of distribution in Spain, in full crisis, Burn Equipment Iberian has selected a big network of distribution and of workshops authorised, to be able to attend more than near the needs of each zone. Attending from the central ship the direct sellings in the zone center and the negotiations with big accounts.
His wide range of implementos covers all the equipment for the demolition (demoledores, trituradores, pinzas), hydraulics hammers, stick fast, cazos, grappler, bivalve (including the bivalve of cimentación). This range of equipment manufactures for all the sizes of machinery from the smallest until the biggest, increasing like this the range of products and the possibility to satisfy all the needs of his customers. Demoledores And cutting cutting shears from 400 kg until “monsters” of 5.000 or 7.000 kg.
Thanks to the big quality of his products (showed by his incredible durability), to his strong financial stability and his big capacity of adaptation to the different situations of market.
They burn Equipment has achieved to invoice in the 2011 in Spain but that in the 2009 / 2010 then the half of his best year, the 2007.
To world-wide level, Burn Equipment possesses 2 factories, the main in France and the secondary for cazos in Slovakia. Account besides with 2 subsidiaries distributed in Brazil and England, although the range of products Burn sells in 38 countries.
The factory of France covers a surface of more than 15.000 square metres and characterises for being endowed of a technical office with 10 skilled engineers in CAD-CAM and of machinery for the manufacture of the highest technology.
They burn Equipment constitutes an important industry, that has like end supply in quantity and quality to all the customers, already are final customer, importing, dealers or manufacturers of machinery.