RS Iberia, S.A. - Discrete devices

Texas Instruments CC3000

Wireless modules: they simplify the connection to Internet

Picture of Wireless modules
RS Amidata Offers the range of products SimpleLink WiFi CC3000 of Texas Instruments (YOU).

The module YOU CC3000 is a processor of autonomous wireless network 802.11 that simplifies and accelerates the implementation of an access to Internet. This range minimises the requirements of software of the microcontroller host (MCU), by what is ideal for integrated applications that use MCU of low cost and low power with footprint by heart compact.

The autonomous module CC3000 has been designed to reduce the time of development and the costs of manufacture, saves space in the plate, has the certification of United States, Canada and Europe (FCC, IC and ETSI) and reduces the knowledges of radiofrecuencia necessary. His small size of 16,3 mm x 13,5 mm x 2 mm does that it was especially indicated for his application in the automation of the home, the systems of hygiene of the house, the appliances connected to Internet, the systems of intelligent power and the communication M2M. His optimum performance of radius guarantees a reliable coverage in all the rank of the area of application.

Also available in RS is the plate of the module of evaluation CC3000 BoosterPack, that facilitates the evaluation and the development of solutions CC3000 and contains the module CC3000, source of feeding and standard connectors BoosterPack to connect the kits of evaluation MSP430, Stellaris and C5000 of YOU.

Besides, this complete platform includes controllers of software, applications of proof, the guide of Interface of Programming of Applications (API), documentation for the user and a community of technical support of first class.