Sermagasa, S.L. (Girolivo) - Side delivery rakes

Abimac Girolivo GBLS/R en Olivar

Windrowers: especially indicated for olivo, almendro, walnut, pistacho, etc

Picture of Windrowers
Rake hilerador apt for work in all type of terrains, freamers, crops and forms of plantation (intensive and/or traditional).

- The tractor transita gone and turn by the centre of the streets, avoiding damage the vegetation.

- Cords of variable width.

- I complement ideal of the crushers and/or recogedores of rests of poda.

- Special group reinforced in bathroom of oil (without maintenance).

- For freamers of plantation from 4,50 m. From now on.

- Widths of work: 200/220 / 240/320 (as I mark plantation).

- Tractor trucks from 36 kW 50 CV.

- Lateral trip by means of hydraulics piston with amortiguador.

- Maximum trip from tractor trucks centre (until 5 m. According to model).

- Accionado To través PTO tractor or hydraulics engine (optional) .

- Possibility to work on the tube of irrigation and small caballones-richels.

- Fast amortización: 50/60 hours – 80 / 100 hectares.

- Performance average: 2 it has/h intensive crop) / 1 ¼ has/h (traditional crop).