Atlas Copco, S.A.E. - Div. Compresores - Light towers and mobile systems

Atlas Copco QLT

Tower of lighting: a touch luminous for the construction and the minería

Picture of Tower of lighting

The tower QLT of Atlas Copco engrosa the offer of products Atlas Copco allocated to the sectors of minería, construction and organisation of shows. This tower of lighting has an alternator of 8 kW, two takings of current of 230V - 16 To, and four lamps of halógenos metallic of 1.000 W. The foci place in a hydraulics vertical topmast of 8 sections, totally automated, that elevates to a maximum height of 9 m in 15 s. The new tower QLT of Atlas Copco feeds with an engine diesel Perkins refrigerated by water and has a tank of fuel of 140 l that allows 85 h of autonomy.

The unit has numerous environingingmental characteristics and of hygiene, like a topmast that includes a system of hydraulics hygiene, solapamientos reinforced and cables sobredimensionados of stainless steel.

The alternator uses to 60% of the power for maximizar the efficiency and reduce the consumption of fuel. Each lamp has his own switch, what allows to choose the combination of light and power wished. All the liquids collect in the tight frame, that has a capacity of 125%, with which guarantees an optimum protection of the environingingment. The audible level is very inferior to the rule: only 60 dBA to 7 m.

The QLT is very easy to transport since the standard unit is instrumented with tow, rear slots for carretilla elevadora and a hook of central elevation balanced. Thanks to his compact size, a truck can transport usually 10 units, which contributes to reduce the costs of logistics of the companies for hire or construction. The unit comes with lighting of road and reflectors of series.