Boge Compresores Ibérica, S.L.U. - Other equipment for the plastics industry

Boge FlexPET

Systems of compressesion: for manufacturers of bottles PET

Picture of Systems of compressesion

The installation for air of blown FlexPET of Row is a specific application for manufacturers of bottles PET that already is a standard of the sector and that provides important energetic savings.

It row it has of 11 distinct models, with capacities from 93 until 1.076 m3/h, that allow to adapt of way very flexible to the needs of production of each company and to the different sizes of bottles PET.

The concept is very simple and bases in the generation of air compressesed in stages.

- Pressesure of drop to 10 bar for manoeuvre, pulled and presoplado.

- Pressesure of high 30 - 36 - 40 bar for the blown.

Of this form saves until 40% of air of high, diminishing the investment and the electrical consumption. They are easy to install, since the compressesors Row do not require cimentación neither anchorages of any type. Likewise, all the equipment are refrigerated by air, avoiding the installation of water, towers of refrigeration, problems of freezing, etc.

Row FlexPET generates in a first stage air of 11 bar of pressesure like previous step to a back recompresión to 40 bar. This intermediate step allows us this important saving. Flexible sizes of compressesors of screw allow to generate different quantities of air of drop with a point of rocío of -40 °C. The compressesor of screw Row FlexPET possesses continuous regulation of power. This means that practically there will be periods of course in empty, the pressesure of service will be constant without overpressesure and with a current of start of an equivalent value to the nominal intensity. Like consequence disappear also other unnecessary costs. The air compressesed generated goes through a separador ciclón with purgador of condensed capacitivo, dryer of adsorption with point of rocío of -40 °C, with pre and posfiltro, before accumulating it in the container of low pressesure.

The pressesure of drop for the booster supplies it the compressesor of screw, or also of the network of air compressesed already existent. The air compressesed generated by the booster accumulates in a container of air of high to 40 bar. According to the quantity of air of blown that it require will work the number of booster necessary. Finally a station of filtered composed by fine filters and ultrafino for high pressesure and filter of active coal will provide air of blown dry and technically exento of oil.