Geobrugg Ibérica, S.A.U. - Miscellaneous construction and public works equipment

Structures against avalanche: made with wire networks

Picture of Structures against avalanche
Snow and avalanche prevention structures are made with highly resistant steel (Tecco Avalanche) wire mesh and cables (Spider Avalanche) networks. They are a development of Geobrugg AG and are based on the guidelines for defenses against avalanches in the area of generation («Richtlinien für den Lawinenverbau in Anbruchgebieten "), published by the Federal Department for the environment (BAFU) and the Federal Institute for snow and Avalanche Research (SLF).

The posts are mounted on plates that don't need fixing, while significantly reducing the costs of drilling and installation. In each helicopter flight can be transported up to three poles and three major networks to the place of installation.In contrast to the traditional avalanche defences, they are hardly visible both in winter and in summer thanks to its lightweight structure of wire mesh acero.apenas visible both in winter and in summer thanks to its lightweight structure of steel wire mesh. For this reason they are listed especially as a protective measure against avalanches in recreational areas and tourist regions.

Advantages:-resistant to the impact of rocks.

-Barely visible.

-Also shown in slide slope of quick Assembly.