Casli, S.A. - Snowplow systems

Meyer Path pro 5.0

Snow plow blades: to attach to quads and ATVs

Picture of Snow plow blades
The main characteristic of the blade Path Pro, have it in the special blade design that has a different height in the Center, 43 cm, and at the ends, 47 cm. The raison d ' être of this design is clear the snow on both sides and encourage her a rotational motion to throw it further.

In terms of lifting system you can take advantage of the winch that has the Quad vehicle, if I had it, or delivering it jointly with the blade.

The orientation is manual with five different locking positions ranging from the blade completely straight to an orientation towards both sides of up to 32 °.

The dimensions and the weight of this blade are the most appropriate characteristics of power of vehicles where are mounted.

Technical data: total width: 1.25 m wide cleaning: 1.10 - 1.20 m height: 0.43 - 0.46 m weight: 59 kg