Regulator-Cetrisa | Regulación de Motores, S.L. - Metal detectors and separators


Separador Of tins and briks: through an intense magnetic field

Picture of Separador Of tins and briks
After a previous process and thanks to a separador of no metals by currents of Foucault (R SPM), separate jointly the tins and the briks (tetra briks) of the flow of materials contained in the RSU. Later, all the group of tins and briks processes with the team separador of tins and briks (R SLB) –under patent Regulator Cetrisa–. When the products arrive to the drum of exit, whose configuration has been especially designed to process these elements, an intense magnetic field acts on them offering a separation of both: the briks fall following his path and the tins are sacked to in front of the drum of exit remaining netamente separated of the briks.