Muncker Equipos & Servicios, S.A. (Munckersa) - Machinery for recycling construction and demolition waste (RCD)

Cityequip Air Master y Aircrawler

Separador Of air / Tunnel of wind: team of Separation and Cleaning by Air

The blowers of Cityequip use fundamentally in the sector of the arid recycled, as well as in other sectors of the recycling. They commercialise static, on legs or on chains, and allow the separation of the improper or of the fractions no pétreas of the pétreas. His weight is of 8,5 t, although it increases with the addition of the lateral conveyor and with the generator.

The equipment Aircrawler and Airmaster allow to the agents or operarios that already have a team of trituración or sifted, clean the material mecánicamente and separate more than 95% of the paper, plastic, wood, etc. without the need of a triaje manual. It allows to separate by a side the heavy material (concrete and brick) of the lightest (plastic, papers, cardboard, wood, etc.).

Being of accionamiento electrical and using mainly the air like system of separation, requires a low level maintenance and turns into the system of separation cleaner of the market.