Metso España, S.A. - Screeners

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras Nordberg DF

Screens: for primary and secondary applications that do not require big precision granulométrica

Picture of Screens
The screens Nordberg of the series DF are designed for primary and secondary applications that do not require big precision granulométrica.

They are ideal for the escalpaje of the all in one natural, for the sifted in enclosed circuit of the secondary and for the sifted of natural gravel with high content of fine materials.

The screens Nordberg of the series DF offer distinct capacities and applications. Each flat of sifted composes of two areas with distinct inclinations: the first, with strong inclination and reduced thickness of bed, evacúa quickly the fine; the second ralentiza the speed in passing thanks to the lower inclination, increasing then the precision of the sifted.

The first flat, with big openings, serves usually to protect the following and to pipe the material vertically to the stages of sifted.

The screens Nordberg of the series DF are provistas of efficient motorbike-shakers car-lubricated of movement linear.