Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Weigh bridge


Scales of weighing of vehicles: static and/or to the step of vehicles of load axis by axis

Picture of Scales of weighing of vehicles
TGT Distributes a wide range of scales Captels for weighing to the step of vehicles of load axis by axis: portable scales with platforms of 40 mm of height, with way of rodadura of "unicell"; scale with platforms empotrables to weigh wheel by wheel; fixed scales to weigh axis by axis and portable or fixed scales for vehicles of big tonelaje.

All these types of scales can work with autonomous electronic team to battery that includes his own printer, in static way, or with electronic interfaces that provide true weighing WIM, with determination of speeds, distances between axles, etc.

The scales operate in static way or in dynamic way, to election of the operator. For each application develops and provides the program of special application that result appropriate.