Giropès, S.L. - Weigh bridge

Giropès BPGSM

Scales electronic bridge: sobresuelo Metallic

Picture of Scales electronic bridge
The scale bridge more classical of Giropès is the model BPGSM.

The model BPGSM is a scale with structure of bigas lateral joined by metallic modules that conform the surface of rolling.

In his standard version, the model BPGSM is conceived for the weighing of standard trucks of circulation by road, in dimensions that go give of 6 x 3 m until 18 x 3 m and capacities of 30.000 until 60.000 kg.

Giropès Adapts the structure of the scale bridge to the particular needs of each customer arriving further of the standard requests of weighing.

The department of engineering of Giropès can adapt

- Dimensions and capacities according to the vehicles to control.

- Height of the way of rolling.

- Type of surface of weighing (smooth sheet, sheet lagrimada, study of thickness according to capacity).

Of this way can prepare the scales BPGSM to weigh vehicles of big tonelaje of until 120 t and more, giving answer to the most extreme situations in the weighing of vehicles.

The versatility of the scale BPGSM does not root only in the structure, but also with his accessories. Of standard way installs on floor.

It is possible also his installation on concrete or asphalt, avoiding the execution of costly civil works.