Diez Alonso y Cía, S.L. (Marini) - Chip spreaders


Repartidores Of gravel: with hooks of adaptation

Picture of Repartidores Of gravel
The company Díez Alonzo and Cía, S.L. It distributes repartidores of gravel of the mark Secmair with the following characteristic:

WK M Gravillador by gravity, adaptable to any type of volquete, width of widespread 2,60 m, 10 manual gates, runway of aluminium and hooks of adaptation.

WK 10 Gravillador by gravity, adaptable to any type of volquete, width of widespread 3,20 m, 10 gates electroneumáticas, signpost of commando on runway of aluminium and hooks of adaptation.

GPB 1400 Gravillador with hydraulics roller, adaptable to tippers with inner width of 2,3 m, width of widespread 3,20 m, 14 gates electroneumáticas, diffuser and against diffuser, signpost of commando on metallic runway, general commando in cabin and hooks of adaptation. Optionally it can supply the system of control computerizado of dosage gravidos.