Transformados Torres Martí, S.L. (Grupo Tatoma) - Shelves

Removable shelving: for the maximum aprovechamiento of the warehouses

Picture of Removable shelving
Group Tatoma has developed a removable shelving designed to offer the maximum aprovechamiento of the warehouses, according to the needs of each company. These containers allow to organise, schedule and control the flow of materials saving space. Besides, they contribute to improve the conditions of hygiene and order, so much in the transport of commodities as in his storage. They adapt besides to the diverse needs of space and storage.

The shelving is built in steel to the carbon, conformed according to a base soldered (painted or galvanised) and four tubes galvanised that they join up easily, ensuring a greater durability even in the intemperie. The system of lace provides him a total hygiene; in few minutes the container is smart to store any type of material, even unstable loads.

Another of his characteristic is his flexibility and modular conception to adapt to any product and need.