Metso España, S.A. - Other pumps

Svedala Orion HR HM

Pumps of slimes: with discharges of until 2.500 m3/h

Picture of Pumps of slimes
They are designed for solids semiabrasivos, concentrations of solids lower and heights of half aspiration. They exist in the version of hard metal (MM) and of elastomer (MR).

The modular design and the removable characteristic by the rear side provide a simple access for the inspection and the maintenance. The excellent hydraulics design guarantees a maximum efficiency, reducing like this the speed of wear and the power consumed. The pumps are the election preferred for abrasive services like general pumps of transport in the plant.

Technical data:

Discharges of until 2.500 m/3h –11.000 USGPM

Heights of aspiration of until 60 m