Metso España, S.A. - Demolition crushers or pincers

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras EtaRip

Pre-Crushers of metals: for pre-triturar packages and vehicles

Picture of Pre-Crushers of metals
It uses for pre-triturar packages and vehicles of scrapping. This pre-trituración is an optimum help for the operation of the fragmentador, being fed with material fragmentado previously of uniform way. This system increases the production, reduces the wear, as well as the beaks of consumption of electrical power and diminishes substantially the environingingmental problems, such as the noise and the risk of explosions.

It employs the most advanced technology and is the most adapted method to handle pertinent packages of bodyworks of trucks, or mix of light scrap as well as of whole trucks previously descontaminados.


The equipment are instrumented with a system of double roller and an empujador abatible.

The accionamiento controlled by pumps of reduced speed and high pair.

Low speed with hydraulics motors Hägglunds of high pair.

Motors connected directly to the grooved axis of the rotor.

The absence of reductor avoids problems because of the cycles of load.

Threads of the rotor.

Available different models with several capacities of production.