Imcoinsa 1985, S.L. - Compressors (Public Works Machinery)

Imcoinsa Imgot

Portable compressors: they work automatically with its nominal speed,

Picture of Portable compressors
With a specific design for the implementation of the gotelé and painting in general, Imcoinsa Imgot series compressors work in permanent regime through the operation of its exclusive idle valve.

Imgot series Imcoinsa compressors run always automatically with its nominal speed, regardless of the demand of air, thus avoiding the standing start/stop of the engine.

Consequently, both electrical and mechanical requirements of the compressor, prolonging the life of the product, are minimized and instantly's entire production of air is available.

Imgot series compressors are also especially indicated for use with hammers carvers and Imco-Multi imcoinsa hammer.