Ure, S.A. (Uresa) (Punteros Uresa) - Pointers


Pointers of cincel: for hydraulics hammers

Picture of Pointers of cincel
Ure, S.A. manufactures a wide variety of pointers of cincel adaptable to the different marks of hydraulics hammers of the market, for works of movement of earth, cutting and demolish. For hammers Montabert, Krupp, Forcop or Rammer. Also they adapt to hammers of the mark NPK, Korota, Indeco, Tabe or Atlas-Copco.?n Leading of cincel also for hammers Hidramec, Botruk, BTK, Okada, Rotair, Continental or Stanley. In addition to for hammers marks Takeuchi, Promove, Omal, Kubota, Euroram, Demoter, Roxon, Bobcat, Socomec, Italdem, AT, Tecna, Topa, Daemo, Rodas and Toku.%aTodos The pointers are available in different weights, lengths and diameters. His importance roots in his adaptability, very important if it takes into account that the efficiency of a pointer depends on his length. With standard lengths, can that this was not the ideal for the use of the pike since no all the works are equal neither with the same characteristics. Like this, with an adaptable pointer, the possibilities of work are infinite.