Atlas Copco, S.A.E. - Div. Compresores - Compressor fittings

Atlas Copco

Pieces and spare parts for compressesors: filtered and lubricación of compressesors

Picture of Pieces and spare parts for compressesors
In the basic diagram of operation of a compressesor of screw, one of his main parts is the element compressesor. Atlas Copco, manufactures elements compressesors with a high energetic performance, that achieves with a special design of the profile of attack of the rotors and minimum holguras in the interior of the same.

To be able to keep these characteristics during the life of the equipment is necessary to loan attention to the systems of leak and oil used. So as to protect to the element compressesor of the entrance of particles from the outside, that can ocasionarle damages or a reduction of his performance, Atlas Copco has designed some special cartridges that favour the entrapment of the particles contaminantes of the compressesor and allow big flow of air to the interior of the unit of compressesion.

The oils Atlas Copco are especially designed to adapt to the specific conditions of work of each type of compressesor. Each oil achieves to keep the optimum conditions of estanqueidad, refrigaración and lubrificación that sue the compressesors, even to high temperatures. Keep the conditions of cleaning and viscosidad of the oil play a fundamental paper in the operation of the compressesor. Dust and dirt have to be deleted of the oil through his filtered, already, that if it does not filter of a suitable way, can arrive to the interior of the element compressesor giving place to grave failures. Thus, the original filters Atlas Copco have a big performance and are composed by specific cartridges, standing out by his extraordinary capacity of the leak, resistance to the temperature and excellent useful life.