Trelleborg Wheel Systems España, S.A. (Mitas Tyres) - Tyres for agricultural machinery

Mitas AC 90

Narrow radial tyres: it is ideal for tractors with simple setting or gemelado

Picture of Narrow radial tyres
The reduced width of the tyre facilitates the driving between plants without causing damage and helping to a high performance. The shoulders and swearwords rounded, as well as the height of the tyre, protect the seeds and crops. High efficiency of costs thanks to the high capacity of load, hygiene in road and maximum speed until 50 km / h. The deep swearwords provide an excellent traction, better steeringal stability and a high level of control. His good properties of autolimpieza help to keep the band of free rolling of mud, resulting in a lower slide.

It is ideal for tractors with simple setting or gemelado, dragged and self-propelled atomisers as well as other agricultural uses. Ideal for crops in linea, fertilisation, escarda, powdered and other agricultural activities where is necessary to advance between the lineas of crop without damaging it.


- Protection of seeds, roots and aerial part of the plant, performance of the crop.

- High capacity of load, more efficiency of costs.

- Excellent traction and better steeringal stability, more performance.

- Good properties of autolimpieza, less mud in the road.

- The reduced width of the tyre allows to happen between the plants without damaging them and like this contribute to greater performances of the crop.

- Shoulders rounded and high swearwords that provide greater protection for seeds and plants.

- The radial construction without camera allows greater capacity of load and increases the useful life of the tyre.

- Maximum speed until 50 km / hour.