RS Iberia, S.A. - Other electric facilities

Schneider Electric Acti 9

Modular systems of low tension: it provides the installations of electrical distribution safer, simple and efficient

Picture of Modular systems of low tension
The modular systems Acti 9 of high performance offer devices of low tension including disyuntores, contactores, industrial switches and counters of power. The range Acti 9 has been designed to guarantee the maximum hygiene in the maintenance and operation in surroundings more demanding of management of buildings and applications of manufacturers of panels.

The advanced technologies and characteristic incorporated in the system convert to the installation of electrical distribution in something sure, simple and efficient. VisiSafe Guarantees that the circuit of exit was always sure, independently of the sobretensiones, the wear or experience of the operator, even in the most demanding surroundings. The frontal of class 2 contributes the maximum guarantee of hygiene during all the useful life of the installation. Acti 9 is the only available device with such level of hygiene. The distance between the surfaces of the disyuntor and the internal components duplicates the standard of the sector.

The function VisiTrip reduces to the maximum the times of inactivity and the terms of repairs, allows to identify failures of a glimpse and visualise easily the operative state of his installation. VisiTrip Indicates only the defective exit and allows to realizar fast diagnostics, resolve incidences, ensuring like this the continuity of the service and the electrical immunity, characteristics especially important in vital electrical applications in hospitals and centres of information.

Acti 9 simplifies the operation of electrical distribution in buildings and industrial installations, providing a flexible system and expansible able to adapt to the new norms of installation and requirements of the buildings. The disyuntor in miniature Acti 9 fulfils with the normative IEC/IN 947, IEC/IN 947 and IEC/IN 898. The system is easy to install and to use: the wiring is safer and simple thanks to the double connections and reduces the wiring in 50%. The ergonomic interface allows a simpler reading and optimised and provides safe connections and protected with isolation of terminal IP2-B. The range Acti 9 presents also diverse accessories including systems of padlocks of easy installation, block divisor, rotary presses mango for the door of the picture, covers creames, cover hermetical for terminals, base plug-in, barrier interpolo and scoreboards clip-on.