HOYER Special Logistics - Tanks

Mobile tubs of stainless steel: to store and transport viscous liquids

Picture of Mobile tubs of stainless steel
The signature CCR Iberique proposes his fleet of small mobile tubs of stainless steel for the storage and transport of viscous liquids in conditions of maximum asepsis and hygiene. The series GOES, with his particular cone of asymmetric casting to 90°, avoids the costly mermas of product when doing disappear the dead angles, optimising to the maximum the quantity supplied by container.

The tubs, with capacities 400, 600, 800 and 1.000 l can serve in stainless steel 304 or 316 and the closing of covers it can be inviolable bayonet or by means of 6 bolts giratorios. In said cover find lodged the different equipments: valve of hygiene, connection for nitrogen, valve of aireación, covers blind DIN100 (for device of wash) and manguito additional BSP 1"; a board of silicone guarantees the estanqueidad. The unit has been designed to work until the 2 bar of pressesure. The casting finds lodged in the inferior part and his standard configuration is in 2" with valve of butterfly, racor DIN; other dimensions and racores available under demand. Homologation CE.

Of easy manutención by means of transpaleta or carretilla elevadora, allows to save a considerable space in the warehouse when can apilado to 2 full heights and to 3 empty.

The tubs are available of immediate form for his agreement in lease to short, half or long term.