Equipos y Maquinaria Domag, S.L. - Trailed sprayers

Andreoli UT 60

Mobile head office of power: with caterpillars and hydraulics elevator

Picture of Mobile head office of power
Domag Iberian, S.A. commercialises the UT 60 of Andreoli, a mobile head office of power, of caterpillars and of dimensions reduced, that has a hydraulics elevator of three points, regulable in width, a taking of strength normalised to 540 rpm and an engine diesel turbocomprimido, of 3 cylinders, refrigerated by water, and with a power of 45 kW (62 HP). It has also of a hydrostatic transmission of advance with manipulador hydraulics of control, that allows a good manipulation and manoeuvrability (the machine can, even rotar on himself same).

The UT 60 carries of series a system of braked in negative of hygiene that incorporates a pulsador of emergency, and some caterpillars of steel or of steel recubierto in rubber vulcanizada that confer him resistance to the wear and to the hits. This machine, whose speed of advance in the two senses is regulable of continuous way from 0 until 6 km/h, is able to save a desnivel of 60%, with complete load.

The taking of strength can use for the operation of the different equipment, like nebulizer for phytosanitary ware treatments with centrifuges or axial fan, like triturador, despuntadora, pneumatics compressesor or subsolador. For all the operations of transport (material, fertilisers, recolección of miscellaneous products...), it is possible the setting of a box on the chassis with self-propelled caterpillars, with an useful load of 800 kg.

The machine carries valves electrohidráulicas with control of switches for accionar all the services, and besides, under request, can supply with the place of the reversible driver, with fast investment, that allows the phytosanitary ware treatments and the operations that need the course in contrary sense, like triturar or despuntar.

The UT 60 carries cuentarevoluciones, taquímetro, indicator of level of fuel, temperature of the water of the engine with digital reading and lighthouses of work.