Optigenia Maquinaria de Trituración, S.L. - Demolition crushers or pincers


Mills of trituración: with system of automatic regulation of palates

The mills of Optigenia possess a system of autonomous regulation, that allows averiguar the position of each palate concerning the rotor; even in the case of inequalities between the bars beaters by problems of wear or by expresseses disposal. The distances of regulation (of the palate to the rotor), are entered by means of keyboard or by botonera memorising so that the mill repeat them in future regulations. The data stored can modify indefinitely.

For the regulation in automatic way, the system uses the values of adjust stored to leave the separate palates of the rotor to the distances preestablecidas. Like this, the operario, with only presses a button, achieves to regulate in scarce minutes the total of palates of the mill, without need to use any tool for such operation. In some operations of maintenance, can be necessary regulate the position of the palates manually. This is possible; and for this, the operario only has to use the button of advance or shrinking of the botonera, does not need to use tools.

One of the important innovations of these mills, consists in the total elimination of the hardware of fixation of the palate to the carcasa. This is possible thanks to the enclavamiento ensured by a group of mordazas with coin aided by pistones hydraulics. Another is the automatic way of adjust of the palates with regard to the rotor that repeats the distance of reglaje in each regulation of the mill. Besides, the system is able of averiguar the blockade of the mobile parts by atasco; the excessive wear of the smelting, both giving us the alarm; and the closing of the machine, paralysing all the system.

In the system have gathered and improved three fundamental concepts:

-The effective design of the camera of trituración, of the rotor and accessories, that favour the trituración by rebound and that produces an increase porcentual of the material that breaks against him same.

-The reglaje effective to achieve a lower rejection, a greater comfort and lower effort, a lower cost in power, smelting and hand of work, less unemployed, which supposes more effective hours of work and more and better final product.

-A suitable smelting.