Optigenia Maquinaria de Trituración, S.L. - Demolition crushers or pincers

Gama Gema

Mills of trituración: tertiary

Picture of Mills of trituración
The range Gema of Optigenia is formed by a wide variety of mills of trituración tertiary, with capacities of 70 to 350 t/h. With mouths of entrance of 140 to 350 mm of width and of 500 to 2.100 mm of long, admit a size of feeding of 60-90 to 150-175 mm, according to each model.

The mills areneros Optigenia are able of retriturar with big performance sizes extremely fine like 3/6 to turn into it 0/2,5. Besides, they are available for these mills a series of accessories that practically minimise and almost delete the dust.

These mills can go provistos of the system of automatic regulation without intervention of personnel, that guarantees the quality and regularity of the material that manufactures . They go endowed of series and without extra cost, of a system of adjust without hardware, extremely fast and precise.