Roter Maquinaria Agrícola, S.L. - Milling machines

Forigo F1S

Milling machines Scrollable: with widths of work until 145 cm

Picture of Milling machines Scrollable
The milling machines scrollable F1S of Forigo have of stick of three universal points scrollable of category 1. Reductor Of a speed for TDF 540 rpm. Cardán With fuse SB. Lateral transmission by chain in bathroom of oil. You skate lateral for the regulation of the depth of work. 4 azadas by disks. Protections antiinfortunios. Cofre Rear regulable.

They exist four models of 85, 105, 125 and 145 cm of width of work, respectively. Each one of the models requires machines of 15 to 35 HP of power. They incorporate 16, 20, 24 or 28 azadas.

Optionally they can instrument with a couple of leading wheels that allow a greater stability and support during the work.

The chassis is moldeado in ironinging of steel with contrachasis To.L.S. It stick to three extremely robust points and ideal for the tractors for which is construída this strawberry. Supports of the strong rotors and very dimensionados. Transmission by chain of rollers, heavy series reinforced. The milling cutters of the series F1S are endowed of a reductor monovelocidad 540 rpm. Gifted rotor of azadas curves (4 by disk) mounted to phase espiral to attain a work of the terrain homogéneo and without vibrations. The depth of work controls through two skate lateral regulables, while the cofre rear guarantees an optimum retention and nivelación of the terrain.