RS Iberia, S.A. - Frequency controllers

Silicon Labs EFM32 Zero Gecko

Kit Of initiation MCU: it allows to familiarise with the microcontrollers of 32 bits

Picture of Kit Of initiation MCU
RS Has of the kit of initiation EFM32 Zero Gecko of Silicon Labs, an excellent tool that allows to the engineers familiarise with the microcontrollers of 32 bits (MCUs) EFM32 Zero Gecko, the MCUs of lower consumption of power of the market based in the processor ARM Cortex-M0+.

The kit of initiation EFM32ZG-STK3200 contains sensors and peripherals to show some of the a lot of capacities of the microcontrollers and can serve like starting point for the development of applications. The kit includes a debugger Segger J-Link and an advanced system of control of power that allows to the engineers program, debug and realizar in real time the current profile of an application without need to use external tools.

Other own characteristics of this kit, are:

- Condenser backup for way RTC

- Interface USB for host/device/OTG

- Lesense (Low Power Sensor Interface) for proofs

- Sensors of light, LC (inductivo) and tactile

- Versions of compiler of free evaluation

The kit of initiation Zero Gecko is compatible with the package software Simplicity Studio, some complete surroundings of graphic interface of user for the main computer platforms like Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac/YOU X. Available with the kit gratuitamente, Simplicity Studio, provides to the developers with so alone a click, access to all the information, documentation, tools powerAware, software and bookshops of code necessary source to develop quickly sensitive applications to the power.