Tdmed Power Systems, S.L. - Engines for public works and construction machinery


Industrial and marine motors: in a rank of power of until more than 300 c.v

Picture of Industrial and marine motors
The motors are the heart of Isuzu, manufacturer of trucks, buses and vehicles utilitarios, in addition to motors diesel. It has developed a technologically advanced engine and of high provision, powerful, of low consumption and little contaminante. After 70 years developing the motors diesel, Isuzu has surpassed the proof of the time showing like this his big reliability.

Transdiesel, S.L. It distributes the motors diesel Isuzu for industrial and marine applications, with thirty different models in a rank of power until more than 300 CV.

The industrial motors of Isuzu are of 4 times of 3, 4 and 6 cylinders on line, refrigerated by water and of powers comprised between the 19,6 and the 338 kW.