Epiroc, S.L.U. - Hydraulic hammers

Epiroc HB 2200, HB 3100 y HB 4700

Hydraulics hammers: instrumented with a system that desconecta the hammer in case of an overpressesure of oil

Picture of Hydraulics hammers
Atlas Copco develops hydraulics hammers with PowerAdapt and an optimised relation improves-weight. The HB 2000 with 2.000 kg of weight in service has 10% more than power that his ancestor, the HB 2200. The new HB 3100 and HB 4700, with 3.100 and 4.700 kg of weight in service respectively, offer a 5 and 13% more than power that the previous models.?Or Atlas Copco keeps his philosophy to design implementos hydraulics with a better relation improves-weight. It obtains the same power with an implement hydraulics and machine bearer of inferior class. So much the expenses of investment like the ones of maintenance diminish. At the same time it represents a greater power and a high exigencia of the implement hydraulics, obtained thanks to the new characteristics of the product.%aLos Three models of hydraulics hammers are instrumented with the system PowerAdapt, which desconecta the hammer in case of an overpressesure of oil.