Pasema, S.A. - Power generators (Public Works Machinery)

Colt 130G/150G

Generators: with a power of 5,9 kVA

Picture of Generators
The range of generators Colt130G/150G, known mainly by his relation respecto ‘Weight/Improves',is also compatible with power generators thanks to the innovative technology Inverter I.P.m.(inverter power microcontrolled). It adapts also to any activity of maintenance and small daily works.

It supplies with all the accessories and case of transport, with a guarantee of 2 years.

It possesses a good cebado and stability of arch thanks to the function Hot Start and Arc Force of series.

Others of his characteristic are: monofásico of 230V, ultraligero less than 3,8 kg.

The 2 models have a power of 5,9 kVA, an efficient consumption of 12 To and a tension of empty of 69 V.

In the model COLT 130G his regulation of current is of 10 - 120 To and the factor of course 15% 120To.

In the model COLT 150G his regulation of current is of 10 - 140 To and the factor of course 15% 140To.