Atlas Copco, S.A.E. - Div. Compresores - Nitrogen generators

Atlas Copco

Generator of nitrogen of membrane: ideal for prevention of fires, inflado of tyres, oil and gas, and marine applications

Picture of Generator of nitrogen of membrane
A lot of sectors, like the chemical industry, electronic and alimentary, consider the nitrogen like the fourth basic supply, together with the gas, the water and the electricity. The nitrogen supplies traditionally by means of truck, in liquid state or in bottles, which, in addition to the environingingmental impact, is expensive and dangerous, already the nitrogen finds to high pressesure. Atlas Copco offers the safe and reliable supply of nitrogen in-situ by means of two technologies, to satisfy the exigencias of purity of specific applications.

Thanks to his high capacity of discharge, the generator of nitrogen of membrane (NGM) is ideal for applications such like prevention of fires, inflado of tyres, oil and gas, and marine applications. The NGM employs the separation of air by membrane to produce the nitrogen. A do of fibres of polymer acts like membrane that allows that it happen the nitrogen and that do not happen other gases (like the oxygen, steam of water and carbon dioxide). The air compressesed heads to the entrance and the nitrogen enriched goes out by the another extreme of the generator. The technology of membrane generates nitrogen with a purity from among the 95 and 99%, with discharges of until 5000 Nm³/h.

For the applications that demand a high degree of purity of the nitrogen (until 99,999%) to small discharges, the generator of nitrogen (NG) with technology SPA ACP is the solution recommended. According to the technology of adsorption by change of pressesure (SPA), the molecular sieves of coal absorb the molecules of oxygen of the air compressesed. The generator of nitrogen has two towers connected that work boards to produce an almost continuous discharge of gas nitrogen. The result: some levels of purity of the nitrogen of the 97 to the 99,999 % for discharges of until 130 Nm³/h. The typical applications of the NG are the moldeo of plastic, mechanised, analysers of purge, electronic, storage of fruit as well as the manufacturing of foods and drunk.

Atlas Copco offers the complete package: compressesors advanced, solutions Quality Air and a complete range of generators of nitrogen. With the generators of nitrogen in situ, carry the fourth basic supply to his installations of production.