Serrat Trituradoras, S.L. - Flail mowers

Serrat Forestal T 2300

Forestry crusher for big desbroces: for tractors of 125 CV of minimum power

The Forestry model T 2300 of Serrat Crushers is a forestry crusher contrived for big desbroces, that has a floating forestry hammer, that provides versatilidad against the tocones and all class of rocks, and with a rotor with a diameter of 550 mm, that expands the power of cut, so much in the impact against the hammer as in his triturado against the distinct lines of against-inner hammers.

His system autoequilibrante delivers the hammers along the rotor, so that they cover all the zone of attack. This crusher keeps a perfect balance between the speed of the twist and the weight of the cabezal of the hammer, for like this can work with lower effort of the tractor to a speed from among 1 and 3 km/h. It is not necessary, in no case, the use of slow speeds. Of twist of 360° in his 20 hammers, this crusher has a big height of mouth that works course backwards to access to thickets of until 2 and 3 metres of height.

The method of construction of this type of professional crusher attains a greater performance in time of durability more prolonged regarding another type of crushers: the supports of rolling are manufactured in steel.

The exclusive system of sleeve recambiable threaded to the axis of the rotor of Serrat allows a fast replacement at the end of the life of the threads and avoids that a haphazard break damage to the axis of the rotor.

The Forestry T 2300, with a weight of 1.600 kg, is manufactured in chassis of sheet antidesgaste of 10 mm of thickness, that avoids premature deformations by impacts. You skate them they are regulables in height and the transmission is lateral and by belts. It carries a leading curtain of protection of chains, in addition to a third hydraulics point. The taking of strength can be of 540 or 1.000 rpm (to define by the customer).

The minimum power of the tractor has to be of 125 CV. As any another crusher Serrat, the hammers are guaranteeed against break and the machine has been built following the normative CE and with the indicators of visible hygiene to the personnel.

Optionally, can instrument with double drag FX, a system of double tiraje of lateral belts, to both sides of the machine, that balance the power in both attacks to the rotor and that multiplies the durability of the threads. The power of transmission is of 46 Kw by belt. Also it can purchase with rear roller of diameter 275 mm of diameter, with hydraulics movement; with free wheel in the sleeve, that absorbs the inertia of the rotor when the taking of strength of the tractor is stopped; with portón rear hydraulics, that provides greater amplitude of entrance to the rear attack when this finds open, and with abatidor hydraulics.