Serrat Trituradoras, S.L. - Flail mulchers and cutters


Folded and positioning: for crusher of firewood abatible

Picture of Folded and positioning
The device of folded and positioning in work for the crusher of firewood abatible Trigón of Serrat has a central articulation that allows to separate the elements of the units of desbrozado in two planes of work. It is ideal for determinate plantations frutales.

With the extensible option can adjust of immediate way to the variations of the freamers of plantation whereas the folded vertical facilitates the manoeuvres in the cabeceros of the plots and the road transport.

They offer widths of work of until 3,60 m, with 0,40 m more in the widespread option. acciona By taking of strength of 540 rpm and the rotors incorporate system of protection by free wheel.