Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Weigh bridge

HI-Trac 100+ y HI-Trac Emu

Fixed equipment and laptops for weighing to high speed: of trucks and trucks

Picture of Fixed equipment and laptops for weighing to high speed
The system HI-Trac 100+ allows the weighing to high speed (WIM) of any type of vehicles in movement, from 1 until 180 km/h, providing the data of the trafico (number of vehicles, classification, distance between axles, weight by axis and total weight, speed, etc.), without interruption of the transito.

It uses two piezoelectric sensors Class I (to determine the weight and the speed by axis) and a bow inductivo (to detect the presence and measure the length of the vehicle) in configuration piezo – bow – piezo. The data obtained can be transmitted road RS 232 or RS 485 by wire, modem or radio.

In standard configuration has of interfaces for 4 lanes (8 piezos and 4 bows) expandable until 8 lanes. It admits, besides, the following configurations: bow-piezo-bow, bow-bow, piezo-piezo.

The system HI-Trac Emu provides interfaces for 4 piezos and 8 bows, what allows to configure 2 lanes WIM and until 4 lanes Bow – Piezo– Bow, or Bow – Bow for vehicular classification, using piezoelectric sensors Class 2. To the equal that the previous model (HI-TRAC 100) allows the weighing to high speed, from 1 until 180 km/h, providing number of vehicles, distance between axles, weight by axis and total weight, speed, etc, without interruption of the transito.

So much the HI-Trac 100+ like the HI-Trac Emu can feed to network 110-220 Vca, to batteries recargables or by means of solar signpost. And his configuration is for setting in cabinet. His capacity of storage is of 4 MB, expandable to 8 MB (4 MB is sufficient for 800.000 registers of axles in way WIM.