Casli, S.A. - Salt spreaders (also for granulated products)

Swenson LPV 6 FT

Extendedores Of salt: they allow adaptation to the vehicles of 1/2 t with open box

Picture of Extendedores Of salt
It is an extendedor whose hopper is of low profile and with a total height of 0,63 m that allows his perfect adaptation to the vehicles of 1/2 t with open box, procuring a maximum visibility to the driver and a big stability because of his low centre of gravity.

- Steel to the coal: the extendedor LPV is built in steel to the coal with the protection anticorrosión usual that puts to all the machines spreaders of salt. Also it can supply in stainless steel no magnetic and resistant to the corrosion, what supposes to delete of root any problem of corrosion caused by the salt.

- System of accionamiento: by electrical engine of 12 V, which achieves the following advantages: there is not consumption of fuel neither maintenance typical of motors petrol, lower susceptible pieces of spare, totally silent (very important in urban zones).

- Control to distance: without cables

- System of distribution: composed by a chain of 30 cm of width that ensures a constant flow and uniform of material fundente. The chain that acciona as well as the strip are reemplazables easily.

- Hopper: built with a lateral inclination of 45º to ensure a perfect flow of material.

General specifications:

- Able to extend salt or abrasive.

- Wide of widespread regulable manually between 1 and 5 m.

- Quantity of widespread regulable manually.

- Control in cabin of start and stopped of engine and start and stopped of widespread.


- Capacity: 0,428 m3 / 514 kg.

- Weight in vacio: 248 kg.

- Long: 1,83 m.

- Wide: 0,91 m.

- Height: 0,63 m.