Casli, S.A. - Salt spreaders (also for granulated products)

Swenson Anti-icer

Extendedores Of fundentes: the fundente liquid applies directly on the paving

Picture of Extendedores Of fundentes
Extendedor Of fundentes designed for the application of fundente liquid directly on the paving, for preventive treatments.

The group supplies with some legs bear for the load and download.

- Accionamiento: Deep engine of 5,5 hp, with bomb centrifuga. The carcasa of the bomb will be built in polipropileno to avoid the corrosion. The engine will be endowed of a start elécctrico from cabin and accelerator.

- Tank: built in resistant polyethylene to the radiations UV, of translucent colour and incorporating scoreboards of level. With capacities of 345 l, 690 l, 1.030 l and 1.380 l.

- Platform: the tank will go mounted in a platform built in steel to the carbon, with treatment anticorrosivo.

- Tubes of driving: manufactured in polipropileno of 22 of section; with filters of stainless steel and port of drainage. Caudalímetro Of easy calibration.

- Diffusing: two diffusers of variable orifice, (100º of incitación) type fan, mounted in a bar and adjustable in height. The width of widespread is of a lane, (3,50 m) and can apply 151 l/km.

- Hose: it supplies with a hose enrollable in carrete of 13 m with mouth in spray with orifice of stainless steel. The pressesure of work is of a maximum of 40 bars, which allows him clean spill and stains that there is on any type of surface.

- Control and control of dosage: the control to distance will be situated in the cabin and is of electrical type with valves solenoids; it does not include any type of electronic device neither cards very sensitive to the action corrosiva of the salt. By means of the handle of the control and of the caudalímetro can apply variable dosages between 5 and 94 l/km depending on the speed of the vehicle.

- Dosages: to a speed of 40 km/h and taking into account that the discharge is variable between 30 and 70 l/min can achieve some dosages that would oscillate between the 12 and 32 ml/m2.