Biurrarena, S.Coop. - Excavators of demolición

Hyundai 360LC-3

Excavator: with arm for demolition

Picture of Excavator
To finals of the past year 2001 did delivery to the company Excavations Pérez Of the River of Castejón (Navarra) of an excavator Hyundai 360LC-3 instrumented with arm of demolition.

This team has been adapted in his whole in the installations of Biurrarena of Astigarraga and stands out by the following characteristic: maximum height to tip of balancín of 20 metres; maximum horizontal scope of 11 metres; a total weight of the machine with team of 42.390 kg, and weight of the implement of until 2.000 kg.

The additional counterweight of 3.500 kg confers him a big stability in the rank of work.

The machine is endowed with an indicator of moments of dump TMI. This characteristic allows him work always with the maximum hygiene.