Metso España, S.A. - Mining equipment

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras SmartTag

Equipment of identification by radiofrecuencia: to realizar a follow-up of the mineral or residue of the mines until the plant

Picture of Equipment of identification by radiofrecuencia
The system SmartTag was developed by the unit of technology and innovation of processes of Metso (PTI) to realizar a follow-up of the mineral or residue of the mines until the plant using technology of identification by radiofrecuencia (RFID). The labels RFID have been designed to resist blastings, the go through the team of minería and by primary crushers and sometimes even secondary.

Somincor Is using the system of labels SmartTag to follow the mineral and the waste from the piles of detrito resultant of the blastings along the load, carretonaje, evacuation by echaderos, trituración and subterranean storage until finally izarlo and transport it until storing it in the surface. The information will use to comprise better and improve the logistics of management of the mineral and of the waste.

The main aim of the system SmartTag will be to follow the mineral extracted of different recess and tunnels like part of his process of reconciliation. The waste of minerals can increase the costs of transport and processed, reduce the law of head and produce additional tailings.