Atlas Copco, S.A.E. - Div. Compresores - Generator equipments rental

Atlas Copco Kolfor

Equipment for hire: for applications of gas and oil

Picture of Equipment for hire
Atlas Copco Kolfor expands his fleet for hire of skilled equipment for applications of gas and oil through solutions “packed”.

For adentrarse even more in the sectors of gas and oil, Atlas Copco Specialty Rental has purchased three units NBB “Nitrogen Bundle boxes” (Solution Package Nitrogen) to the North American manufacturer PCI. With this completes the range of products of his fleet for hire, composed by compressesors of air of high pressesure, units of membrane of nitrogen and boosters allocated to cover the needs of nitrogen in applications of earth and mar.

Atlas Copco Kolfor has expanded his fleet for hire for applications of gas and oil that require intrógeno, so much in earth as in sea, with the purchase of three units NBB (Nitrogen Bundle boxes) to the North American manufacturer PCI.

With the end to avoid the entrance of oxygen in pipelines and pipelines, so much terrestrial like marine, specifies frequently the utilisation of nitrogen for presurizar and close the “line”. This avoids that it produce corrosion and possible future explosions, preventing the deflagración of flammable gases and improving the hygiene of the yacimientos oil. Lodged in a container of 20 feet, the installation integrates a system of pretratamiento of the air, that includes filters coalescentes, filters of carbon and filters of particles, together with the module NBB, and produces until 2000 scfm of nitrogen with a purity of the 95 to 99%. The module of membrane receives air presurizado to 24 bar (g) of a compressesor Atlas Copco TwinAir® or XRVS 476 with injection of oil. To guarantee that the air compressesed was free of “humidity”, installs of series an electrical heater that sobrecalienta the flow air to optimise the process.