Roter Maquinaria Agrícola, S.L. - Stone buriers

Forigo G15

Enterradoras Of stones: with widths of work until 125 cm

Picture of Enterradoras Of stones
The enterradoras of stones G15 of Forigo have of stick of three universal points of category 1 and 1s. Reductor Of a speed for TDF 540 rpm. Cardán With fuse SB. Version G15 C = Cofre rear regulable. Version G15 R = Roller Network in sheet pulled. Lateral transmission by chain in bathroom of oil. Rejilla cribadora With docks. 4 azadas by disk. Kit Double pletina.

The models G15C with cofre rear regulable have a width of work of 85, 105 and 125 cm. The depth of work is of 14 cm. The number of azadas according to model is of 16, 20 or 24. They require a power of the tractor of 15 to 35 HP.

The models G15R with roller network in sheet pulled have a width of work of 85, 105 and 125 cm. The depth of work is of 14 cm. The number of azadas according to model is of 16, 20 or 24. They require a power of the tractor of 15 to 35 HP.

Optionally they can instrument with cardán with embrague of disks FF. Cardán With embrague automatic SC “Nottolini”. Bar niveladora regulable with manivela. Sembradora Electrical for the model G15-105 and for the models G15-125.

Endowed of rotor sobredimensionado construído with materials To.L.S., with reverse rotation to the advance of the tractor, allows to launch stones, earth, demolitions against the rejilla seleccionadora to interespacios variable mounted on resortes.

The material with upper dimensions to the ones of the rejilla falls in the groove created by the rotor of the machine and is recubierto by a soft layer of terrain laborado and selected by the same rejilla.

The leaf niveladora put in the rear part of the machine distributes uniformly the terrain worked creating an optimum level, the compact rear roller perfectly the mulch of seeds.

The blades of the rotor are fixed to a sheet of support more a double pletina to offer the maximum resistance to the hits.