Bombas Letrin, S.L. - Electric pumps


Electrobombas Vertical: manufactured under demand

Picture of Electrobombas Vertical
The electrobombas vertical of the company Pumps and Applications Sulé classify according to his series depending of the discharge:

The series SL SF and SG are electrobombas vertical of cane of 0,5 to 2.5 m in standard versions. Manufactured under demand until 4 m, have impulsores open L ,vortex F and monobicanal C. The maximum discharge is of 350 m3/h, the maximum height of 50 mca, the maximum speed of 3.600 rpm, the maximum temperature of 90 C, and the viscosidad maximum of 300 cps. They have a mechanical closing.

The series DSRL are electrobombas vertical of cane. It treats of the industrial version and reinforced of the previous series for the work of aggressive dirty waters and with conditions of hard work. Reinforced with double estanqueidad and with external refrigerations of the internal parts of the bomb, the lengths of cane is until 4 m. The impulsores are open B, vortex F and monobicanal C. The maximum discharge is of 600 m3/h, the maximum height of 80 mca, the maximum speed of 3.600 rpm, the maximum temperature 90 °C, and the viscosidad maximum 300 cps.

By his part, the series DIC are electrobombas vertical cantilever, without inner threads, neither oil-fat and without mechanical closing. The length of the cane is until 1,8 m and the impulsores open B, vortex F. The maximum discharge is of 600 m3/h, the maximum height of 80 mca, the maximum speed of 2.850 rpm, the maximum temperature of 120 °C, and the viscosidad maximum of 300 cps.

Finally, the series DIC is equal in constructions Aisi 316 and CA 40.