Trelleborg Wheel Systems España, S.A. (Mitas Tyres) - Tyres for agricultural machinery

Mitas Implement series

Diagonal tyres no motrices: for use in meadows and in applications of transport

Picture of Diagonal tyres no motrices
Diagonal tyres Implement no motrices with good properties for the transport.

- IM-04: universal and modern Tyre for a wide range of agricultural applications.

- IM-07: Tyre with groove in zig-zag, without lateral elements. Adapted for use in meadows and in machinery of manufacturing of the terrain.

- IM-08:Tyre acanalado without any lateral element in the band of rolling. Adapted for the use in meadows and in applications of transport.

- IM-09: Tyre of traction with a strong lateral flange. His use to low pressesure reduces the compactación of the floor.

- IM-10: Tyre without any lateral element in his band of rolling. Adapted for machinery of manufacturing of the terrain or for applications of light transport.