Metso España, S.A. - Demolition crushers or pincers

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras EtaCrush ZM/ZMF

Crushers of metals: for the triturado of metals, electronic scrap and scrap of steel

Picture of Crushers of metals
The triturador of metals tritura the widest variety of scrap with the maximum efficiency and to the minimum cost in small fragments of metal and saving space.

It fits easily inside different modular plants for the recycling of metal and processing of aluminium, electronic scrap and several types of scrap of steel, without need to change of tool and without significant requests of personnel.

- Characteristic:

Device elevator of the rotor: to facilitate the access to the inferior parts of the machine, the rotor can be elevated together with the central part of the carcasa.

Evacuation of bulky pieces by means of hydraulics door: the big pieces that can not be trituradas are expelled during the process of trituración without interrupting neither stop the production.

Optimum combination of double grill / yunque: this design reduces the energetic consumption at the same time that increases the production.

Special driving of the material and the air: this characteristic has a positive effect on the consumption of power and reduces significantly the costs of the system of extraction equipment equipment of the dust.