Metso España, S.A. - Crushers of industrial waste

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras EtaAnode Crush

Crushers of anodes: for fragmentar the waste of the electrólisis of the aluminium

Picture of Crushers of anodes
The triturador of anodes, accionado hidráulicamente, is designed for fragmentar of effective way the waste of pertinent anodes of the electrólisis of the aluminium, or for anodes of ovens or vegetal residue for the reuse of the material in mills of coal.

With this team, the wear and deterioration of the tools of trituración as well as of the sheets is reduced to the minimum, since the fragmentation of anodes is realizar without impacts or any effect of molienda.

Advantages of the trituradores of anodes:

automatic Sequence of operations of fragmentation.

The number of careers of the process of fragmentation can be adjusted to the requests of the material to process.

The final granulometry can achieve by means of different designs of tools of fragmentation and exits of inferior grill.