Transformados Torres Martí, S.L. (Grupo Tatoma) - Conveyor belts for rubble, concrete, etc.

Container of mortar: for the construction

Picture of Container of mortar
Group Tatoma commercialises a container designed especially for the sector of the construction. These cubilotes allow to store mortar and serve at the same time of measure, container of work and transport in the interior of the work. They have of anillas for his transport and also can move with pallet trucks.

They are manufactured in steel to the carbon St-37, of big resistance and of agreement to procedures of welding recognised. They supply in thicknesses of 3 and 4 mm. His external dimensions are 1.000 x 650 x 725, with a capacity of 1/3 m3 of material. They weigh 90 kg.

It exists the possibility to manufacture them in version apilable.