Boge Compresores Ibérica, S.L.U. - Screw compressors

Boge Bluekat

Compressesors: for a risk 0 of pollution of oil

Picture of Compressesors
According to the place of setting, field, city, industrial zone, etc., the concentration of particles and of hydrocarbons in the air varies. The air acclimatise contains particles, until 100 micras (10 micras after the filter of aspiración) and the content of oil assumes in 0,05 mg/m3.

For a risk 0 of pollution of oil, even in adverse environingingments, Row has developed Bluekat.

It allows to obtain air compressesed exento of oil Class 0, even when the air aspired has hydrocarbons in suspension.

Certificate of the TÜV SÜD class 0.

Exento Of silicones.

It converts the oil in CO2 and H2Or.

In multiple industrial applications the air compressesed has to be necessarily 100% exento of oil, not being able to go in in contact with the oil in any moment of the process.

It row Compressesors has a prestigious experience in air compressesed exento of oil, in base to his position like manufacturer n° 1 of this type of compressesors in Germany from does several years and BLUEKAT, supposes a guarantee more in the purity of the air exento in sectors eat: Alimentary Industry, Pharmaceutical, Debuggers, Chemical Industry, Textile, Laboratories and Electronic.