Atlas Copco, S.A.E. - Div. Compresores - Compressors (Public Works Machinery)

Atlas Copco XAS 27

Compressesor of air: it combines power, reliability and durability

Picture of Compressesor of air
Atlas Copco has entered a new concept of compressesor of air with the model XAS 27 (27 l/s, 7 bar). The XAS 27 is the first compressesor of the range transportable of Atlas Copco accionado by engine of petrol. This unit, that has the most compact dimensions of the range of compressesors transportables, offers a versatilidad exceptional.

The XAS 27 has a robust and reliable Deep engine that fulfils with grow the valid normative on broadcasts of contaminantes. Has transmission by belt with a system of lane of tightened. The engine acciona the new element of compressesion C55 of Atlas Copco. The XAS 27 also is the first compressesor with engine of petrol of all the range of compressesors transportables of Atlas Copco.

So much if it uses for accionar pneumatics hammers, cinceladores or small manual tools, this compressesor is ideal for projects of demolición, finishing and renewal.

The XAS 27 is compact and very agile. With his chassis and a weight of little more than 200 kg, can transport there where need without need of heavy equipment of elevation. Like result, can manoeuvre easily and position in the best position of work. The XAS 27 is the sufficiently small as to go through standard doors or an elevator.

His handle and maintenance are very simple. The XAS 27 has adopted the successful concept of polietileno of the range HardHat, together with steel zincado, to offer the maximum protection. The tank of fuel forms part of the bodywork and incorporates an efficient electrical fan for refrigeration. With the open bodywork, the maintenance poses few problems. Can access easily to the separador of air/oil, to the threaded filter and to all the other filters, what contributes to reduce the costs of service.

Also there is a version “trole” for the companies that need a compressesor even simpler and compact.

The XAS 27 offers an exceptional value combined with power, reliability and durability.