Schmersal Ibérica, S.L. - Industrial signage


Column of luminous signaling of LED: specific for the sector of the feeding and the hygiene

Picture of Column of luminous signaling of LED
Schmersal Has the suitable solution for the challenge to the that will have to confront in the future the manufacturers of machinery and the ones of alimentary products: the column of luminous signaling of Led CleanSign.

This luminous column has designed and developed especially for his use in white rooms, as well as in the sectors of the hygiene and the feeding. Like this then , from the beginning they took into account the norms and existent guidelines (for example, the documents 8 and 13 of the EHEDG, the directive 2006/42/EG on machinery) and consulted to experts and specialists in hygienic design (as for example, specialists of the Technical University of Munich or of the Institute Frauenhofer).

The column CleanSign of Schmersal consists of a crowd of details so much to technical level as of design and creativity, that contribute substantially to the hygiene of his products. For example, thanks to his compact design does not present irregular surfaces, slots neither boards in which it can store the dirt. Like this they avoid the impurities and reduces considerably the risk of pollution.

In the design of the column CleanSign has applied the minimum inclination demanded by the EHEDG of 3°: the top of the carcasa and the arm of the column have an inclination of 30°, what guarantees the no accumulation of the liquids, a fast cleaning and a good visibility.

The design of CleanSign, thought for his easy cleaning, reduces notably the times of cleaning and guarantees the easy and complete elimination of the dirt. Besides, it saves in power and in cleaning products.

The carcasa of polyamide of the column CleanSign is approved according to the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) and, therefore, can use with foods and is resistant to the cleaning products and disinfection. Besides, the element of connection of the column and the arm of subjection constitute an integrated cheese cheese group, so that they avoid points of additional union in which it can store the dirt.

A fast grub screw designated “Pine Tree Clip” facilitates and speeds up the setting. The fixation and the connection of the column realise by the rear part, with what the carcasa remains totally enclosed and avoids the realisation of holes.

Likewise, the powerful CleanSign does not need maintenance thanks to the use of the technology Led and has of an useful life of until 50.000 hours. Account also with an integrated cheese cheese audible vibrator, that guarantees that all the people that do not have the column in sight perceive the signaling.