Diez Alonso y Cía, S.L. (Marini) - Vats and cisterns

Secmair Serviroute

Cisterna Of irrigation: polyvalent

Picture of Cisterna Of irrigation
The cisterna Serviroute is especially designed for the irrigations of adherencia and imprimación, and the assistance to the equipment of put in Work of Agglomerates, including the repostajes of water and fuel, being his level precision such, that allows also the execution of asphaltic irrigations.

The cisterna of polyvalent irrigation Serviroute is composed by a group of two cisternas with dependent capacity of the type of vehicle bearer, one for the emulsion and another for the water and a station of manual distribution of emulsion for the small works, of water by gun, of diesel by gun.

The cisterna of emulsion of oval form has of the following characteristic: bottom and wall of cisterna in sheet of steel of 4 mm, thermal sensors isolation of 100 mm of thickness, indicator of level with float, mouth of man of fast closing with access by means of ladders with runway of hygiene, lined external of the cisterna in Stainless, cisternas entirely independent, filled by aspiración from the bomb of emulsion or by gravity through the upper orifice.

The group of the circuit of ligante is heated by a thermal sensors fluid (etilglicol) heated by exchange of calories with the thermal sensors fluid of the circuit of refrigeration of the truck. The exchange of calories realises by means of a thermal sensors exchanger that allows that the circuits of the truck and of the team are entirely independent. A bomb keeps in circulation the etilglicol in the organs and circuits where circulates the emulsion.

It is instrumented with bomb of ligante volumetric of double shirt, accionada by hydraulics engine of feeding of the bomb with speed regulated by proportional valve.

The rampa of irrigation of hydraulics variable geometry Exageva with control from the cabin of easy handle has the following characteristic: width 5,00 m, 48 diffusers spaced of 100 mm, removable pneumatics injectors, bib of rubber of protection between the rampa and the chassis and feeding of the ligante in two points of the rampa.

It launches it manual is of aluminium with flexible of a length of 8 m.

It has a device for cleaning of the circuit at the end of the work with air compressesed. To respect the environingingmental norms the waste re aspire and return to the cisterna without any projection of ligante to the outside. All the operations of purge realise from the computer in cabin.

The group of controls of the cisterna is situated in the cabin, to be accionados by the operator commissioned of the driving of the truck. The installation of the controls is ergonomic and has been object of a thorough study. It has the possibility to work in manual way.

It has of a computer with only screen that shows all the functions of the circuit of ligante, calculating the dose of ligante in function of the dose programmed, the width of work and the speed of work. These parameters are indicated of permanent form during all the work.

The team is calibrated in the bank of proofs before the delivery, with control of the precision of dosage and of the repartición transversal of the rampa.